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Folsom American Little League


Frequently Asked Questions about Folsom American Little League

How do I know if I live within the boundaries of Folsom American Little League?

There are two Little Leagues in Folsom... Folsom American Little League and Folsom National Little League. Before registering your child, please refer to the League Boundary Map to determine whether or not your child is eligible to play for Folsom American Little League.

Is my four year old eligible to play this spring?

The age determination date for Little League is the actual age of a child as of August 31st of the current year. These respective dates identify the "league age" of the child as it relates to his or her eligibility to participate in any Little League division. Folsom American Little League invites all players league age 5 or older to play. Unfortunately, our insurance will not cover league age 4-year-olds and there are no exceptions. Please refer to the Little League website and FALL's League Age Chart to determine your child's league age.

Where and when will practices and games be held?

There are many factors that will influence where, when, and how often teams will practice and have games, including age level of the child, field availability, manager's schedule, and the season.

During the Spring season, practice and games for all divisions except Juniors are held in Folsom. The Junior Division teams compete against other neighboring Little Leagues so their games are often outside of Folsom but their practices remain in Folsom. Practices during the Spring season can be any held any day of the week with games occurring on any day except Sunday.

During the Winterball season, the league expands the competition because there are typically fewer teams than in the Spring. Winterball teams in the past have not only played in Folsom, but also on other fields in the region including those in Rancho Cordova, Placerville, and El Dorado Hills. All Winterball practices are held in Folsom. Winterball teams typically practice during the week and have one weekday game and one game on Sunday. To accommodate for other traditional winter sports, such as football and soccer, the league usually keeps Saturdays open.

What equipment does my child need to play Little League?

At minimum, your child will need a baseball glove (not plastic), a helmet, and an athletic supporter with a hard cup. The league will supply a team jersey and hat. Most children will also require uniform pants, belt, (non-metal) cleats, and a bat which the league does not provide. The league provides each team with catcher’s gear. Click here for a suggested equipment list from FALL to help your player prepare for the season.

I'm hearing a lot of chatter about new bat laws. What's the scoop?

Starting January 1, 2018, Little League of American instituted new bat regulations for player safety. All bats used after January 1, 2018 must be marked with the USA bat label. All other bats are no longer allowed during ANY Little League sanctioned event including tryouts, practice, or games. Check out Little League webpage on the new USA bat standard for more details.

What are the fees for the Spring and Winterball seasons?

Fees for the Spring and Winterball seasons range depending on the division. Please see our Registration page for details on fees for the current season. Typically, Winterball fees are less than Spring season fees because the season is shorter.

Does my child need to tryout to play? How do tryouts work?

Players only need to try out to be considered for the AA Division and above for the Spring season and for the Minor Division for the Winterball season. Tryouts are not required for the Spring T-Ball, Farm, and A Divisions and the Winterball Up-and-Comers Division. Tryouts for both the Spring and Winterball seasons take place on two different days. Players do not need to attend both tryouts, but may do so if they chose. During each tryout session, players are broken up by league age, given a number, and are asked to perform a series of basic baseball drills showing their outfield, infield, and batting skills. Coaches use the evaluation as a tool for team selection and draft decisions. Except in the case of the Majors Division, teams do not carry over from season to season or from Spring to Winterball. Please refer to FALL's Try Outs by League Age page for the most up-to-date information on tryout requirements.

Why didn’t my child get drafted up? He played in the same division last year and is devastated.

Little League team formation is based on league age and not school grade level. Teams in each division are typically comprised of three league age groups making the range of players diverse. This allows younger players to develop their skills along side older players and older players to rise to the occasion as team leaders. The majority of Little League players will play in the same division more than one year. While your child may be disappointed if he or she doesn't make the jump to the next division, encourage them to stick with it and to continue to develop their skills. The Winterball season is also a great opportunity for extra repetition on the field and allows many players to continue to develop in the off season.

My son or daughter got called up from AAA to play Majors during the season. What does that mean?

Unfortunately, injuries happen throughout the course of the season. If an injury occurs on, or a player leaves, a Majors Division team, the coach has the option to call up a player from the AAA Division to fill the hole in the roster. In addition, the AAA Division coach losing a player to the Majors Division has the option to call up a player from the AA Division. In each case, the player is not required to accept the offer and ultimately makes the final decision. However, if the player chooses not to fill the position, they are ineligible to be called up to any other team. While it can be sad for a player to leave his or her original team, it is viewed as an honor to get called up and play in the next division.

Where can I find out more information regarding the pitch count regulations and Little League rules?

Please refer to Little League website to view general rules and regulations regarding pitch count. You can also check the FALL Constitution and By-Laws under League Documents as they may be slightly different.

Folsom American Little League

PO Box 735 
Folsom, California 95763
Email : [email protected]
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